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Baš sada, unatoč svemu, poticaj vjernika ZA MIR

U nemoći pred nagomilavanjem nasilja borimo se da ne ostanemo bez riječi.

Dižemo svoj glas i preklinjemo: pokrenite se za mir, učite prezirati rat.

Zgroženi smo nad otvorenom podrškom ratu od strane naših predstavnika vlasti u Europi i SADu.

Svatko od nas nosi odgovornost za vlastito nasilje.

Znamo da svaki čovjek može graditi mir,  može ne pristajati na nasilje već danas.

Mi smo Vjernici za mir i ovim javnim govorom izražavamo da nam je stalo:

Stalo nam je do nevino ubijenih žrtava Hamasa,

Stalo nam je do civilnih žrtava u Gazi,

Stalo nam je do svih koji ovih dana u Izraelu/Palestini strahuju za svoje živote,

Stalo nam je do svih u Izraelu koji strahuju za otete članove svoje obitelji za koje ne znaju gdje su i što im se događa.

Mi nemamo silu oružja niti držimo poluge moći ovoga svijeta, ali imamo dušu koju ne damo da nam demoni rata izokrenu.

Mi imamo misli i molitve solidarnosti za sve koji su ugroženi i osjećaju se bespomoćni pred najezdom nasilja.

Ne vjerujemo u rješenje koje znači istrebljenje neprijatelja.

Ne pristajemo na dehumanizaciju jer u vjeri znamo da je svaki čovjek osoba, Bogu drago stvorenje.

Vjera nas obvezuje na mir.

Može se prekinuti lanac ubijanja i započeti nešto novo.

Mir se svaki put može uspostavljati, podsjećamo, mir je svaki put moguć kada za mir ima volje.

Podržavamo svaki napor radi uspostave mira i postizanja dogovora između Izraelaca i Palestinaca o zajedničkom životu.

Ne pristajemo na osvetu, ona samo produbljuje problem, nikada ne donosi izbavljenje iz rata.

Nije normalno ubijati,  traume veterana rata o tome svjedoče.

Nije plemenito slijediti iracionalne politike koje iza militarističkog junaštva skrivaju da izviru iz strahova.

Ne odustajemo od nenasilja i izgradnje mira, zato dižemo svoj glas, a sutra ćemo graditi mir i u ratom opustošenoj Gazi i Izraelu zajedno i neustrašivo.

Stoga postavimo pitanje sebi: Što ja mogu učiniti za mir?

Was keiner wagt, das sollt ihr wagen!

Was keiner sagt, das sagt heraus

Was keiner denkt, das wagt zu denken

Was keiner anfängt, das führt aus


Wenn keiner Ja sagt, sagt doch Ja

Wenn keiner Nein sagt, sagt doch Nein

Wenn alle zweifeln, wagt zu glauben

Wenn alle mittun, steht allein


Wo alle loben, habt Bedenken

Wo alle spotten, spottet nicht

Wo alle geizen, wagt zu schenken

Wo alles dunkel ist, macht Licht

                            (Lothar Zenetti )

Što se nitko ne usudi, upravo to se trebate usuditi!

Što nitko ne kaže, e baš to recite glasno

Što nitko ne misli, usudite se upravo to misliti

Što nitko ne započinje, upravo to učinite


Kada nitko ne kaže DA, vi recite

Kada nitko ne kaže Ne, a recite upravo vi

Kada svi sumnjaju, a vi se usudite vjerovati

Gdje svi nešto slijede, ostanite sami


Gdje svi hvale, posumnjajte

Gdje se svi rugaju, vi nemojte

Gdje svi škrtare, vi poklanjajte

Gdje je sve tamno, upalite svjetlo

                                   (Lothar Zenetti)

Right now, despite everything, an encouragement from Believers for peace

In our powerlessness in the face of the accumulation of violence, we struggle not to remain speechless.

We raise our voices and implore: act for peace and learn to despise war.

We are appalled by the open support for war from our representatives in Europe and the USA.

Each of us carries responsibility for our own violence.

We know that every person can build peace, and can refuse violence even today.

We are Believers for Peace, and through this public speech, we express that we care:

We care about the innocent victims of Hamas.

We care about civilian casualties in Gaza,

We care about all those in Israel/Palestine who fear for their lives these days.

We care about all in Israel who fear for family members abducted, about whom they do not know where they are and what is happening to them.

We do not possess the power of weapons or hold the levers of power in this world, but we have a soul that we will not allow the demons of war to distort.

We have thoughts and prayers of solidarity for all who are endangered and feel helpless in the face of the onslaught of violence.

We do not believe in a solution that means the annihilation of the enemy.

We do not accept dehumanization because, in faith, we know that every person is a person, a creature loved by God.

Faith obliges us to peace.

The chain of killing can be broken every time, we remind you, that peace is possible every time there is a will for peace.

We support every effort to establish peace and reach an agreement between Israelis and Palestinians for coexistence.

We do not accept revenge; it only deepens the problem, and never brings deliverance from war.

It is not normal to kill; the traumas of war veterans testify to that.

It is not noble to follow irrational policies that hide behind militaristic heroism stemming from fears.

We do not give up on nonviolence and the building of peace, so we raise our voices, and tomorrow we will build peace together fearlessly in the war-ravaged Gaza and Israel.

Therefore, let us ask ourselves: What can I do for peace?

If no one dares, then you should dare!

If no one says it, then say it out loud.

If no one thinks, then dare to think it.

If no one starts, then carry it out.


When no one says yes, say yes.

When no one says no, say no.

When all doubt, dare to believe.

When all participate, stand alone.


Where all praise, have reservations.

Where all mock, do not mock.

Where all are stingy, dare to give.

Where everything is dark, make light.

(Lothar Zenetti)